Natural Resources Management

Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of the course, students will be able to:

  • Identify the data needs and compare various type of geospatial data and data generation techniques
  • Distinguish the principles, advantages and disadvantages of different technologies for resource assessment and mapping
  • Map and assess the natural resources including the cloud-based computing technologies, GEE, Drone
  • Analyze the spatial and temporal changes of land use and land cover
  • Analyze the levels of ecosystem degradation and health across the landscapes

Persisting land degradation problem with unsustainable land management practices and increasing competition for land for other purposes in addition to food production has continuously challenged the food security and ecosystem functions. This has become further concerns with increasing impact of climate change on land and vice versa. 

The objective of the course is to provide the concept and current issues in land management, techniques, and tools for conducting systematic land evaluation, and needed enabling environment to help make appropriate decisions related to sustainable land management to support food production and ecosystem functions.

I am starting this year, a new format for the Natural Resource Economics class. The course suppose that you had already some exposure to economics, either during your previous studies, or because you followed the Introduction to Natural Resource Economics Class.

During this 2 credits course, you will deepen your understanding of natural resource economics in several ways: you will be introduced to the techniques to value environmental goods. Once the notion of value is clarified we will used it either in project analysis through CBA, or for the allocation of Natural Resources. Although you had a first introduction to resource allocation, we will now envisage the cases of non-renewable resources and the case of open-access resources.

Introduction to Natural Resource Economics

The aim of the course is to provide students with an understanding of 1) the diversity of forms of governance of natural resources; 2) different theoretical  approaches to study a specific case of natural resource management and some methodological elements to conduct a specific study; 3) multi stakeholder processes to plan and manage natural resources; 4) tools and policies for natural resource management.

The objective of the course is to provide the students the concepts of geographic data/information, concepts and principle of remotes sensing, GIS, and GPS so that the students have adequate knowledge and skill in applying these tools and techniques in natural resources management. On the completion of the course, the students will be able to

(1) Describe type of geospatial data and data generation techniques

(2) Explain geographic data representation and map projection

(3) Explain principles, advantages and disadvantages of remote sensing, GIS, GPS

(4) Identify quality data for use in natural resources management

(5) Determine and use geospatial techniques in solving the issues related to natural resources management 


The objective of this course is to

introduce intrinsic linkage between land use and climate change to amply equip the students with the knowledge of the land use change and climate change science, role of land use on mitigation,and adaptation to climate change impacts. Upon the completion of the course, the students will be able to 

  • Describe the trend and causes of land use change
  • Explain the impacts of land use change on climate change and vice versa
  • Analyze and determine the techniques to estimate emission from land
  • Determine and formulate land use strategies for mitigation of and adaptation to climate change impacts

The main purpose of this Natural Resource Economics moodle site is to exchange documents and presentations discussed during the class.  I am adding progressively some quizzes and additional resources of interest. Please also feel free to indicate some documents that you may find interesting to share within the group.

Dr. Damien Jourdain

The objective of this course is to promote a regional awareness of NRM related issues for students through lecture and field trip in Thailand. Upon completion of this course, it is expected that the students will be able to  

  • Discuss the broad issues of environment and natural resources management of regional importance
  • Describe major land degradation problems and conservation measures at regional level
  • Relate the role and impact of climate change on natural resources
  • Discuss the major issue related to biodiversity, food security and rural transition
  • Discuss broad natural resources polices at regional level 

The course will provide the students with the concepts and basic tools of environmental valuation, with a special focus on contingent valuation techniques. Econometric tools used in contingent valuation (multiple linear regression, logistic regression) will be presented with greater emphasis put on their practical use than their theoretical foundations. Based on these foundations, contingent valuation will be carried out using public survey data used in contingent valuation exercises.