Climate Change and Sustainable Development

Analytical Tools for Climate Change Adaptation at Local Level

The course aims to provide students with methods and tools to analyze climate change adaptation at local level. This will enable students to analyze the vulnerability and resilience at various levels, especially in rural areas, from farm level to socio-ecological systems and territorial level; and to build scenarios towards sustainable development and improved adaptive capacities to climate change based on participatory foresight analysis

The objective of this course is to provide a wide-ranging contemporary debates and progresses linked with climate change for enhancing students’ knowledge base and critical thinking in their respective field of profession.

Learning Outcomes : On completion of this course, the students will be able to:

  • Describe the contemporary and relevant climate change issues
  • Discuss the impact and vulnerability associated with climate change
  • Analyze available mitigation and adaptation options
  • Explain the required enabling environment (climate finance, policies) for addressing climate change issues

Course Objectives: In view of the importance and challenges of developing and managing sustainable infrastructure in the globe including Asia, this course is designed to provide a graduate level understanding of the planning, assessment and implementation of various types of infrastructure development.  The relationships of infrastructure elements and functions with climate change will be a focus of this course - including their contributions to and impacts from climate change.


Learning Outcomes:

On completion of this course, the students will be able to:

  • Perform evaluation of climate mitigation and adaptation during planning and design of infrastructure.

  • Select and specify sustainable response and adaptation strategies for infrastructure systems.

  • Discuss the holistic practices in relation to phenomena of climate change applied to infrastructure development and management.

Course Objective: The main objective of the course is to make students understand the key challenges to and options for adaptation to climate change. The course will cover the concepts and types of adaptation, technological and sector-specific challenges and solutions, the role of governments, NGOs, civil society and international organizations in promoting adaptation.

Learning Outcomes: On completion of this course, students will be able to:

  • Reflect on the needs, concepts of adaptation to climate change and challenges particularly for the poor.
  • Analyze the possible consequences of climate change, possible technological and organizational options to adapt to the changes.
  • Critically assess the current policies and practices and make suggestions on policy changes and practices.   

The objective of this course is to address contemporary global and local topics linked with climate change for in-depth discussion for enhancing their knowledge base and critical thinking.


Learning Outcomes : On completion of this course, the students will be able to:

  • Identify the contemporary and relevant climate change issues for discussion,
  • Identify and develop clear and overall understanding and critical thinking about climate change, and
  • Evaluate and synthesize issues in clear perspective.

Course Objectives:

The impact of climate change are already apparent or in some cases predictable with some certainty, as discussed in numerous reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Building resilience and the capacity to adapt to climate change promotes flexibility, learning and protection of ecosystems from shifting into ultimately undesirable states and provides common good resources to cope with change in general as well as direct social and environmental benefits. Integrated climate change mitigation efforts are required in various sectors in order to minimize the risk of climate change and associated disasters. The course will provide the students with an understanding of the key concepts and impacts of climate change and issues associated with vulnerability, adaptation and resilience. Special emphasis is placed on contemporary methodologies and approaches in the rapidly developing field of climate change adaptation, especially in building community-based resilience to climate change.

The objective of this course is to provide students with a sound knowledge on major and emerging issues and viewpoints confronting recent trend on Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk management.

Learning Outcomes:

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

  • Explain the principles and key concepts of Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster


  • Explain the methodologies and approaches in climate change adaptation and resilience

  • Explain the Climate change Adaptation and Mitigation Options and Strategies in Urban

    and Rural scenario.

  • Critically analyze the linkages between climate change adapation and disaster risk

    reduction mainstreaming 

Prerequisite: None

Course Objective: The course is designed to explore the meaning of sustainability from both conceptual and practical perspectives, and to lay out a cognitive foundation for mapping a way forward. Beginning with an in-depth exploration of the sustainability concept, this course will provide a framework for students to explore their own understanding of sustainability through reflective and experiential learning activities and exercises. This course is designed to provide students with the necessary background and common basis to understand the meaning of sustainability within their chosen specialisation and professional work, as well as apply principles, tools and methods in functional business and organizational contexts. 

Learning Outcomes: On completion of this course, the students will be able to: 

  •  Discuss the key issues, challenges and trends facing the world today. 
  •  Discuss the requirements for realizing a sustainable world using an holistic integrative perspective. 
  •  Discuss the key international agreements and frameworks that are currently being discussed and utilized to move towards sustainability. 
  •  Articulate the ways in which countries/organizations are addressing the sustainable development challenge 
  •  Apply various tools and methods available for mainstreaming sustainable development in different sectors. 

Economics is at the heart of the climate change debates, discussions, policies and actions. It also provides tools and basis for choice of actions and policy instruments. Therefore, the objective of this course is to provide a sound understanding of the economics of climate change from multiple viewpoints needed for graduate students specializing in climate change. These viewpoints span from the economic underpinnings of global climate agreements and global costs and benefits as key tenants of climate policy to the cost-benefits analysis as a tool for analyzing projects and policy instruments. The course also provides ample efforts to make students aware of the limitations of the economic approach, valuation difficulties, uncertainly of impacts and other ambiguities which are inherent in the climate change.